Online Courses

We offer quality classes that will prepare your student 
for college or the world of business.

Other Services Offered


For those wonderfully made students who need extra attention and direction in getting certain tasks or skills completed to excel in school and life, then we are here for them. With the proper understanding and tools, students learn to exceed.

When we understand why God made us and how the world works, then we can maneuver through life while solving our problems, especially with our Lord and Savior’s help.

Psalm 129:41
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Coming Soon!


Do you need individual or group tutoring?

Offered online 
 in person 
(Columbia, SC)

by an
 Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, and Learning Disability Teacher with experience in teaching and tutoring in Algebra and other H.S. subjects


Bite Size Classes

 Bite -size classes will be short sections on math and writing skills. If your student needs to brush up on a specific skill or needs help, then they can choose a short course focused on that skill. Some problem areas in math include fractions, integers, and solving for x. In the area of writing, problem areas include incomplete thoughts, fragments,  descriptive and argumentative essays.

Coming Soon!